The Burnout Breakthrough Group Program for Occupational Therapists

Stop burnout and achieve peak performance with ongoing support and your set of
‘mental power tools’

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Discover your burnout profile - take this brief quiz

then book a call to ge the results

A logo for toniknight with a blue flower and leaves

Organisations who are committed to proactively increasing the resilience & excellence of their people (and who have partnered with me to do this!)

The Problem

You are a hard-working, committed OT.

But you’re also isolated. Either because you are self-employed, or you work independently in the community.

And while you love the autonomy and flexibility of this work, you find yourself too often feeling stressed, flat or anxious.

Without access to the tools and support you need to reduce the risk of burnout, you’re also feeling more tired than usual.

It erodes your work satisfaction to the point where you begin to dread the work day.

And despite doing what you can, you also notice that you’re not as present for your clients now, and not thinking as clearly as before.

Mistakes may start to creep in.

Things get forgotten or misplaced. You feel that you are letting down your clients.

It gets overwhelming and a sense of panic can set in.

You need to work to make an income.

But you can’t let this continue…

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The old options…

1. You could discuss your depletion and burnout in clinical supervision. You may get a few helpful tips. But OTs are not burnout experts and their ideas for resilience may not suit you. We all need something a bit different.

2. You might consult a psychologist. But most psychologists are expensive and hard to access (if you don’t have a doctor’s referral) and don’t know much about burnout either.

3. You’ve seen the countless articles that suggest better self care - as if bubble baths, holidays and yoga sessions can somehow stop the progression of burnout.

Self care just won’t cut it. That’s one reason why burnout is getting worse.

Burnout is the outcome of a living and working in a challenging and complex system that includes societal pressures, our own psychology, workplace culture, and our biology.

To merely implement better self care won’t halt the forces in your world that drive chronic stress and ill health.

And everybody needs a slightly different solution, because we are all slightly different - our challenges, our circumstances, our health and our preferences.

And finally..

4. You might think, ‘I’ll be alright once I take my holidays.’ Time off work can help - temporarily. It can reduce the demands on you while slowing down a bit. It can be a reset.

But time off doesn’t address the reasons for feeling so drained. And so after a few days you’re back to how you felt before your break.

Because the true drivers of burnout for you are still active.

Burnout can be stopped, but these old solutions won’t work well enough.

And you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to do what works.

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the answer

So what actually works?

You need to be empowered to understand and manage your specific risk factors for burnout.

You can get started on learning your burnout profile now. It’s the first important step in doing and feeling better.

And this isn’t about being merely resilient, either.

It’s important that you don’t just ‘fit in’ to toxic environments and somehow survive them.

That’s not satisfying.

You can have more than this.

I will show you that you are powerful enough to take wise, values-centred action to improve both your inner world, and the world around you - in small, yet powerful ways.

Outwardly, you will be doing what matters with a satisfied smile. Inwardly, you will know that you are living in a somewhat different space now.

With guidance and support, you will create your own ‘greenhouse’ - your world of wellbeing within the larger world, that enables you to thrive in your life and work.

In this haven you can be yourself and live your own joyful definition of success. Not the definition imposed on you by the ‘burnout world’.

And when you have put the elements of your greenhouse in place, you’ll continue to be supported and celebrated by us as you continue to refine and reinforce what works for you.

The result? Life and work more on your terms.

Health, wellbeing, a renewed passion for your work.

Energy, presence and satisfaction, resulting in work of standout quality.

The power to be all you can be in ways that sustain and enrich you and that allow you to leave a legacy that defines you.

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Toni Knight is sitting at a desk with a laptop and a microphone.

What you’ll get from this group


Get maximum results with minimal effort and time. My collection of ‘mental power tools’ are simple to use, evidence-based, and effective.


You’re never alone on this journey! This is a live small-group program (max 10 people) of like-minded OTs that form your peer support network as you advance. Be inspired by their challenges, victories, information and support.


You can fit this into your busy work schedule and life, no matter where you are! We meet online for a 1.5 hour session each month for six months, where I share the mental power tools and we discuss how you might experiment with them. Can’t make the call? All good - every session is recorded for you to keep.


Great value from your investment - It costs less than a session with a psychologist, (and yet it’s more useful!), making this a wise investment in your future.


More timely feedback from me and your peers, so that you will take charge and succeed (see Bonuses). This is live and interactive, not a pre-recorded program.


You’ll be empowered to keep developing and maintaining your greenhouse beyond the end of the program, because you’ll understand the principles and practices of being powerful.


The personal power you develop in this program has benefits beyond your work. Self-knowledge, acceptance, clarity, and energy all power great relationships as well.

Take the Quiz

There is more!


Get the personalised feedback you need

I’m gifting you an additional 30-minute group ‘Ask me anything’ session once a month, to have your questions answered. No time for this session? It’s okay - it will all be recorded for you to listen to at your convenience.

Supercharge your progress with hypnosis!

During our sessions (where time permits) I will run a group hypnosis that will prime your mindset for powerful results. The hypnosis sessions will also be available in the member’s area for you to use at any time, forever!

Join our Facebook community for daily support and inspiration

I’m in there answering your questions, offering new perspectives on professional flourishing, celebrating your successes and generally being your cheerleader.

what people say...


Learn More
A row of black stars on a white background.

Toni Knight presented her workshop on self-leadership and optimising resilience to avoid burnout to our team of allied health professionals. Toni is an energetic and engaging presenter. The information she presented in the workshop was relevant and provided us with practical strategies. Great workshop!

Marie Lucas, IOT,

posted on Google Business Profile
A row of black stars on a white background.

Toni delivered an exceptional 3-hour workshop focused on resilience-building and burnout prevention tailored specifically for our allied health professionals. With a profound understanding of the challenges they encounter, Toni engaged our staff with insightful strategies to manage their day-to-day workload effectively. Her presentation style was not only captivating but also equipped our team with practical tools. The positive impact was swift, with our staff already experiencing improvements in workload management. I highly recommend Toni's workshops as a transformative means to empower staff in self-care and resilience building.

Cara O’Riordan

Service Manager Community Physiotherapy, Community and Aged Care Services, Greater Newcastle Sector, Hunter New England LHD
A row of black stars on a white background.

Towards the end of 2023 I completed Burnout and Emotional Mastery sessions with Toni and a colleague. After the 5 sessions I was able to highlight a number of contributing factors of burnout, and particular strategies to support myself. ..As an OT, I can’t recommend Toni enough for her skill and experience in providing tangible resources to improve, in a demanding industry. Toni listens with complete empathy, understanding and created a safe space to discuss our experiences. Thank you again, Toni. These skills have equipped me for a long career ahead.



why toni knight?

Why Work With Me?

I am a counsellor, hypnotherapist and presenter who has been supporting professionals to thrive in life and work for more than 20 years.

I am also one the very few specialists who guide professionals from burnout or stress to peak performance, using the best evidence-based tools in psychology.

Over the past five years I have developed a highly practical and evidence-based model for understanding and stopping burnout and compassion fatigue.

I have presented this model in workshops for Occupational Therapy Australia, other national organisations, numerous area health services and small enterprises, as well as to individual OTs.

People appreciate my practical approach - empowering you with useful tools, rather than repeating useless theories.

I am also writing the book, Burnout Breakthrough, which will be published in late 2025.

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I'm curious...

Who is This For?

This program is for Australian occupational therapists of all specialisations who want to stop burnout and proactively create their ‘healthy haven’ for peak performance.

In each monthly session (of 1.5 hours) you’ll learn how to build the elements of your personal greenhouse. You can then experiment with optimising each element for your flourishing.

You will receive feedback and support from me and your fellow OTs.

After six months of sessions, you’ll have the option of continuing for another six months, with all new material for advanced resilience, power and wellbeing.

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how do i start?

discover your unique burnout profile

Find out more by discovering your unique Burnout Profile here and booking a free information session with me to discuss your results.

Find out also if the Burnout Breakthrough group program for OTs is the right way forward for you.

Take the Quiz

Get started by completing this quiz. Then book a free 30-minute chat with me here to discuss your results.

This is the start of the small, yet powerful, actions you can take to move past burnout forever and fall in love again with your work and life.

It’s one of the most powerful investments in your future that you can make, and getting great support on this journey is a wise strategy for success.

Wishing you well!


  • How often do you start these groups?

    At the moment, I start a new Burnout Breakthrough group every 6 months or so. Six months is a long time to wait for the support you need!

    If I’m not about to start a new group, you’ll be able to join a waitlist for the next Burnout Breakthrough launch.

    And if you’re not sure about joining our group just yet, you can work with me individually.

    Just get in touch through the form.

  • I’m still an OT student. Can I join?

    Yes! Avoid burnout by proactively ensuring that you are creating your greenhouse right from day one of your career!

    It’s the best way to ensure that you’ll enjoy a long, satisfying career that changes the lives of many people.

  • What if it’s not right for me? Can I get a refund?

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