I have a four-year degree in psychology (Universities of Newcastle and Wollongong) and much post-graduate training in a variety of therapeutic modalities - Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Resource Therapy (RT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Progressive Counting (PC), The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP), Brainspotting, Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT), and others.
I also have a Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy.
I specialise in helping people to stop burnout, trauma and anxiety. I do this through individual and group therapy, workshops and through my briefings
I have developed some great targeted therapies and programs that you can find here
There’s nothing more satisfying than witnessing someone reclaim their life after feeling completely stuck and suffering.
And I’m incredibly privileged to join my clients on their amazing journeys of change. This really is the most amazing work!
My keynote presentation on burnout at the HOT conference, May 2023
I’ve never yet met a person who is defective, even though this is how people usually feel at the start.
But it’s not you that’s broken - it’s the mental and behavioural strategies you are using that are causing the problems.
When you change your strategies, you change your outcomes. You experience yourself, and your life, with greater energy and ease.
I call this
Mindful Self-leadership.
The state of being present to what matters most now. Flexibly and wisely.
We then add in the tools you need to live this life. This might include emotional mastery, assertiveness, self-efficacy, problem-solving and habit power, for example.
And the true prize when you live this way?
My husband Matt and I spend a lot of time with friends in weird costumes. I won’t show you us in our Abba gear.
However that looks and feels for you.
This is my vision - a world where people everywhere are able to live according to their values.
And my mission?
To empower people with the insights and tools they need to live valued lives. One million people, to be precise.
Living an intentional life, powered by the clarity that only your values can give you.
A life of satisfaction, connection and meaning. So with sound information, small supported changes, and some practice, you can achieve amazing things.
This is my passion, and with more than 20 years of experience, I’ve become good at it.
So please join us in moving forward together. We support each other in living valued lives and you’re invited!
And when I’m not doing this stuff, I like to hang out at the beach, make good food, read and talk.